UPDATE: I emailed my entire list with an MJML message that I created in Clickvio and published over to Mailvio. The results were astonishing – literally hundreds of people who were on my list, but hadn’t opened my email in a long time, opened my email! So I am able to add them to the active list, which results in much better distribution to more people. I’m psyched!
(one day after original post)
Clickvio Email Builder launches today, which begs the question: Do you do any email marketing?
If so, then you probably want to know all about Clickvio (see my demo video below). Why? Because Email marketing is changing – FAST.

Google and Yahoo – by far 2 of the biggest email providers – are tired of processing emails that don’t follow modern designs. They also don’t like emails that are bulky or render badly in different browsers or devices.
This means – if you are into email marketing (or want to be) – things are about to get REALLY difficult.
The stricter scrutiny comes into effect by the end of Q1 next year (but it could be as early as after Black Friday/Cyber Monday).
Now there are solutions out there to help you fix this. But that involves shelling $200 a month, on top of paying for expensive autoresponders.
Luckily there’s a quick and easy fix to it that I’m about to show you today.
A new app – Clickvio – has just come to the market. It’s based on the modern MJML email framework. This follows Google, Yahoo, and other standard guidelines.
Clickvio builds modern, lightweight emails. These render just like they should on all devices, all browsers.
UPDATE after two days usage: There is one flaw in the system that they need to fix, and I’ve been feeding the developers all the information I can get about it. The problem is that in some versions of Microsoft Office Outlook – the kind you install on your computer with Microsoft Office – aren’t able to display the MJML message. For example, I’m still using Outlook 2010, and it can’t display the messages. They display wonderfully, though, in any web-based email client like gmail.com or yahoo.com or any webmail you have. And I think most people are using webmail these days so I’m not sure how much of a detriment that will be. I’m sure they will be fixing it soon anyway.
Here is my “First Look” video demo for Clickvio (followed by my bonuses!):
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